Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sneak Peek Day 1

 Can you believe how fast this year has gone by??  Tuesday is release day or our new digi's.  There's only 2 days of sneak peeks. Monday is the last day to submit your applicationt to join our Design Team.  So how about a sneak peek?

Hehe this is one of my favorites!!  Can you guess what kind of image this is??  Post your comment here for a chance to win this image free.
The DT have some sneak peeks to show you so hop on over to their blogs and see what they've been up to.


karennarelle said...

I think its an upside down gingerbread man!!??

Shatam said...

I think that this is a gingerbreadman because of the withe and brown colors, and we can see he's legs.

Hoping that i'm right end that i win to

Shatam xXx

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

Looks like the upsidedown side of the bottom of a gingerbread cupid/angel? Whatever it is, I know it will be very sweet and am looking forward to the reveal! :)

MrsMomma said...

Looks like a gingerbread bottom. lol

too cute!

KanataNewf said...

Is there a valentine ginger being added to the collection? That's my guess!

Jennifer Scull said...

well most certainly a ginger person - maybe an angel? hopefully it goes along with the muffin line....... please please please!! :D

Lauretta See said...

It is certainly a gingerbread and it seem's to have wings.. so it could be a angel or a cupid..? Cannot wait to see.. :))

Unknown said...

Definitely part of a gingerbread man.

Crafty In Carolina Stamper said...

Hummm, it look's like the feet of a gingerbread man. I love these sneak peaks! Can't wait to see what it is =)

Rhonda Miller said...

I think it's another version of the ginger angel. Can't wait to see.

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

I think it is a gingerbread of some sort.

Susie said...

Like everyone else, I think it's a gingerbread man or cookie of some kind. I left an award for you on my blog:

Debbie said...

Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man. (or more likely in this case, Gingerbread woman ;- ).

Dragonlady said...

Definately looks like something made of gingerbread.

Hugs Ali x

Linda said...

Looks like it could be the back of a Ginger Angel.

Gina Thornton said...
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Gina Thornton said...

Looks like a cupid gingerbread man with a heart on it's bum. LOL cute!

Dee in Oklahoma said...

It looks to me like a gingerbread image..maybe for Valentines day????

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Hearts and gingerbread, what a combination!

Anita said...

A Valentines Gingerbread man.


Looks like a gingerbread man - glad you're going digi.

Muse in Bloom - Sue said...

Looks like a gingerbread girl to me! Oooh... I can't wait to see.

Rachel said...

I am going to say a gingerbread person. your images are absolutely precious. can't wait to see the reveal.

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Looks like a Gingerbread man to me hun...but then what do I

hugs shell xx

Divinewoman said...

It's a Gingerbread inside of a cup,
or sundae dish. I love Gingerbread

Unknown said...

Looks like a gingerbread person, what ever it is it will be great

~D~ said...

gingerbread!!! Love it so far what can i say i am addicted to christmas images, lol

Piali said...

Another gingerbread creation!looks like its Valentine one. What ever it is I'm sure it will be fab.can't wait to see it.

SSR said...

Gingerbread!! Can't wait to see it.

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

I love gingerbread men! Can't wait to see this one!

Michelle said...


Scarlet 357 said...

It's definately a gingerbread person and probably a gingerbread man,but I wanted to be gingerbread p.c. and call the image a person so I wouldn't alienate those gingerbread females that like to dress in gingerbread men's clothing.

Busym1 said...

I am thinking it's a Valentine Ginger, the little heart looks like it's on his or her bottom? The white might be some wings, so I would give a guess of cupid ginger....hugs, michelle

Marie Bingaman said...

Ohhh definitely a gingerperson...not sure about that glittery white part in the lower corner...maybe some kinda moustache? :)

Marlene said...

I also think its some type of Ginger Person..maybe a baby ginger angel to bring in the new year? Can't wait.

Christine said...

I think it's a gingerbread person for Valentine's day!

Christine said...

This has got to be a little gingie!!!


Lisa Atha said...

I think it is a Ginger.

Lisa Atha

SandyPie said...

I'm thinking a gingerbread person, maybe wearing a santa beard, on maybe the gingy is on santa's lap? Very cute, can't wait to see.

Jennette Warren said...

Its a gingerbread image...

LindaC said...

It's a gingerbread person upside-down...don't know what he's doing.
Thanks for the peek. LindaC

Claire said...

Hummmmm. I'll take a stab in the dark. A gingerbread baby to ring in the new year. ?? This one seams to be upside down though. Ooooh I wanna seeeee.

Nancy said...

I think it's a gingerbread angel that is flying and has a little heart on her hiney. :)

Cheri said...

A gingerbread something! The shape doesn't quite fit with my image of a traditional gingerbread man...or maybe I'm just not looking at it right? =D