Monday, December 14, 2009

Sneak Peek Day 2

So it's the last day for sneak peeks aren't you glad I didn't drag it out?? ha!
Ok so I think this peek is going to give it away but that's ok!  It's just for fun anyway!!
This first peek was taken from our Guest Designer Judy's card.

Sorry if the pictures are blurry!  I have to remember to take a snippet before I resize. 

That's it!  Now leave a guess and I'll draw names to win a new release digi.


Lauretta See said...

ahhh this is killing me.. LOL!!
on the first one i am thinking maybe a sheep? or a cupid ? that looks like the end of an arrow...
on the sencond one.. we see a post and i guess somthing is flying in the air.. and the snow people are lokking at it ? hehehe :))
cant wait to see it!! :))
have a nice day!

SSR said...

1st card - it's hard to tell, something with a sheep and the 2nd snowmen caroling.

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

Hmmm, I wonder if the first is a cupcake sheet and the other looks like it might be caroling snowman(men) Can't wait for the reveal!

Jennifer Scull said...

I was going to say a lamb for the first one, but it looks as if it has a spatula with it, yet that sounds sooooooo off the wall. unless it is baking cookies that is. :)

for the last one it looks like snowpeople by a lamp post, looking up at snowflakes maybe? or a star? unless we go really off the wall again and say a spaceship..... giggles!

so excited to see what our Guest Designer has in store...... just know it will be fabby! :D

SandyPie said...

I'd have to agree the first is looking like a sheep/lamb the second looks like caroling snowmen, loving them both! Can't wait to see it all.

Tink said...

The first looks like a little lamb cupid
The second one is snowman caroling

Kim said...

The first thing I thought of was a sheep with a pooper scooper, ha, I don't think so though!

A said...

I'm going to have to agree with everyone else. It looks like a lamb and a caroling snowman.

Piali said...

First one is a lamb--maybe a nativity related one or a valentine one..
second one----super cute..caroling snowman.
Can't wait for the release...these little peeks are ultimate teasers.

MrsMomma said...

The first one is a lamb .. uh... shoveling snow??? ha! Maybe it is the end of an arrow... hmm.. And the 2nd one is a snowman caroling in front of an adorable street lamp!

Divinewoman said...

The first picture is a little lamp, with a shovel in it's hand.

The second picture, a snowman family singing Christmas Carols by a lamppost.

Jennette Warren said...

The first one is a sheep, and the second image is a snowman caroling.

Linda said...

First one I think is lamb cakes.
Second one snowman caroling.

Muse in Bloom - Sue said...

The first picture looks like a lamb cupcake topper and the second is of caroling snowmen. Can't wait to see the new release.

Rhonda Miller said...

I think the first one is a lamb and the second one is a snowman (men) caroling around a light post.
Great sneeks.

Unknown said...

I'd guess a lamb cupcake and a snowman singing.

Debbie said...

The first one is a sheep with what looks like the back of an arrow or spatula (cant wait to see the rest of that ;- ) and the second is a snowman caroling by a lamp post. Very cute.

Marlene said...

Great Snippets! For the first one, I keep thinking Martini Glass with a sheep/lamb in it?? Maybe for the New Year?

The second one is definately carroling snowmen.

Can't wait to the full images and the great work from the DT.

HighDesertGal said...

Hummmm. Let's see 1. a sheep shoveling snow 2. Caroling snowmen
I am not very good at this....

Dragonlady said...

The first one looks like a sheep with a cooking implement!!! the second looks like a snowman singing to himself.

Hugs Ali x

LindaC said...

Looks like a sheep with some sort of tool and a caroling snowman!
Thanks for the sneak peek! LindaC

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

This time is harder...hmmmmm.
The first photo looks like a wooly lamb with perhaps the end of an arrow? Could it be a Valentine lamb with hearts and arrows? :)

The second photo looks like carolers on the street with the lamp post.

So much fun to see these sneak peeks and get the wheels turning.

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

I'm thinking a lamb cupcake and and snowpeople carolers. I can't wait to see them!

Claire said...

I do love the little lamb looking one. He's in pink so I think he's something to do with Valentines day. Then there is the cutest caroling snowman. I love him!! Can't wait.

karennarelle said...

The first one is a sheep and the second one is Mr Snowman carolling...lalalaaaaa

Nancy said...

the first one looks like a lamb's ear and side of the face with maybe an arrow. The second one is snowman
carolers under a cute little lamp cute!!!

KanataNewf said...

I'm pretty sure I see a cute little lamb in the first pick -- and some caroling snowmen in the second!

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

first one is a lamb and second is a snowman caroling.

Marie Bingaman said...

Well, my stab at the first one would be a lamb doing something, but I'm not sure what...the second one definitely has a snowman caroling...not sure what kinda buddies he is caroling with tho!

Christine said...

Ya, that looks like a group of snowmen caroling beside the lamp post. Pretty simple!


Cheri said...

I think I see a snowman caroler! And is that a lamb with a snow shovel? =D

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

I think first is sheep and other one carol singing snowmens....but they look great wot ever they are

hugs shell xx

KymKreates said...

I think the first is a lamb or sheep baking maybe on a cupcake and the second is a snowperson caroling or singing.

Jenn Borjeson said...

Yes, I thought a sheep and snowmen singing Christmas carols. FUN!!!!